- This week sees Part 3 of the Mouth of God’s journey into the unknown…presented by one of Birmingham’s most active Agitators…..Neil, aka DJ Sir Real…with, as you might expect, a fine selection of wrongness, weirdness, beauty, cosmic anthems, bad disco, mutant techno, funny talk and hoo-haa…
So that’s tonight, Tuesday 13th April, starting at 22:00 GMT
Neil would be very chuffed indeed if some of you would like to join him for the journey…and please feel free to circulate wide and far to spread the wrongness :-)
Go to http://www.musicworldradio.com
Sir Real will definitely be in Club Impulse in Second Life this week for some chat and flying and stupid dancing and ill-advised clothes…you can check that out here – http://secondlife.com/?v=1.1