Birmingham Music Network/Screen Image Network Meeting – 26th February 2015
Gavin Leach, Three Sun Rising, has come to promote his band
Clare Edwards, Independent Producer
Robin Valk, writes about local music and has background in local radio
Alan Musson, doing MA and radio and audio production
Peter Swinson, runs recording studio and rehearsal rooms in Tamworth – plays the drums and is looking for a band
Natalie Brown, singer songwriter, performer
Danny Fick, musician and sound engineer
Linda Angelis – music teacher, singer
Mark Sampson, Anthony Hughes
New Points:
Discussion with Natalie about how to get gigs and work as a backing vocalists..
Peter Swinson is looking for a band to join – maybe covers bands. Danny joined a band through Gumtree and so did Gavin.
Discussion with Danny about how he can get work as a sound engineer and who he should talk to in Birmingham to avoid moving to London
Discussion with Linda about the barriers as a singer to getting the word out and the challenges of the internet
Robin talked about the new local tv station is opening up and whether it should have some sort of music programming and the lack of support for local music in the West Midlands on radio. Today the Birmingham Post launched a campaign to demand that the BBC brings a fair share of activity to the West Midlands.
Gavin asked about what the process is to get your music to the right people. Talked about the merits of online radio stations
Clare talked about Flickerama the new film festival she is working on with Tom Lawes from the Electric Cinema.