Birmingham Music Network Meeting – 27th November 2014

Christina Smith – Our Big Gig

Nicola Toms – Our big Gig
National Project, last year set up a drumming group.
This year setting up more free workshops. Family oriented
Looking for volunteers to join the team. may need help with other things like graphic design, marketing, places to run the workshops, venues sound engineers.

Stanislau Vysopal
Sound producer looking for a singer to work with. People can send sound files for mixing. Works from home, has a full production studio in his house.

Raul Fermoselle
Head of MP Recording Society
Millennium Point – Free opportunities to record with students working on the project.

James Lumsdon
Live sound society – Student run sound crew available for free.

4th year composer at the conservatoire. Looking for people to work with and interested writing composing music.

Mac – The Kings of Spain

I’ve been putting occasional events on at The Patrick Kavanagh in Moseley for the last few years – here’s a link to my f/b – you’ll see the type of thing.

I’m looking for someone to work with me. I need someone with enthusiasm and energy to take on specific roles or just muck in and do a bit of everything: booking, publicising, artwork, moving gear, sitting on the door and taking stuff down when it’s all over.

Knowing how hard it is for bands to get even expenses I try to keep running costs to a minimum. Sound engineer is the biggest expense. I monitor who folks come to see and once exs are covered bands get 80% of door split according to how many have come in for them.

Graham (world unlimited) also helps promote

So could you please put the word out. It’s best if folks interested view it as a labour of love rather than a money making opportunity.

I’ve attached details of the next gig.

Folks can contact via email, f/b or 0121 449 4362