Category: Knowledge Centre

Everyone has a piece of the puzzle. We must stand united and work together or face annihilation

If you want to know why authoritarians attack the Arts, it’s simple: It’s about control. It’s about creating a society where propaganda reigns and dissent is silenced. They will seek to continuously divide us in order to push us to do what suits them, whoever “they” might be this week. There’s a war going on and the enemy will always seek to rearrange your priorities, to suit their needs.

How do we avoid the apocalypse? We have forgotten a basic operating standard. We have to find a way to unite, to stand together, to make the change we want to see. We can only do this together.

“…..the way to impact people is not to change their minds but to speak to their hearts and souls through music and art. Such forms of expression are less like treatises or manifestos than sigils — magickal ceremonies that recalibrate our collective perceptions, beliefs, and intentions. Reality becomes fungible.” – Douglas Rushkoff

By this I think Rushkoff is saying, with this approach, our perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes toward reality become fluid and interchangeable, rather than fixed or absolute. Everyone can contribute or play their own part for the benefit of everyone involved. We have to be united in our pusuit of a better situation for all, rather than argue fixed or absolute positions. Isn’t this what artists, writers, musicians and performers have been doing since the start? How could we forget?

Douglas Rushkoff also said that “Each of us will do so much less damage with our errors, if we enact our plans for a just and environmentally friendly world as individuals….. seeing what catches on, rather than as great reset policy enactors doing stuff on a global or cosmic level.”

Every artist, writer, performer or musician has a piece of the puzzle. So do all those who work with them or in collaboration with them. And you have a piece of the puzzle too. What I want to suggest is a playful end to the idea of “competition amongst ourselves.” We all have a stake in the well being of music and all those who make it happen. It’s time to stop flinging insults, or mouthing off, or suggesting your fixed idea is better than the other fixed idea. We all have a piece of the puzzle and we all have something to contribute. All of us have value. Music has value. We all work with, enjoy, create or share music. It doesn’t matter if you are a big venue or a small venue, a new artist or an old dog who has toured the world many times over. It doesn’t matter if you are a booking agent or a music promoter, a management company or a friend of the band who helps organising the logistics of getting your mates to the gig.

All of us face the same issues, we all have to manage ourselves, our money, the risks we take, unforeseen circumstances, expenses, costs, changes in the economic climte, changes in peoples habits and financial status and so on. Just when you think you know how it works, something changes or something unforeseen happens. It’s called life. It’s what happens when you are working on other projects. Let’s work together and support one another as an operating standard. No one has all the answers. Between all of us that make up or particpate in the music community, we have the hope of seeing the bigger picture and making or pushing for the changes that are needed through our actions, what we do everyday.

We all seem to be expected to have opinions, skills and expertise in everything, but let’s face it, most of us have skills or expertise in only a few areas. And posting our opinions on facebook might make us feel better but it changes very little, and we end up upsetting or blocking the people we should be forging better relations with.

We have to stop arguing and find a way to move forward together, we have to learn to work together, again. Even when we might not want to. No one is right all the time, not even tour managers, and not everybody has the knowledge or experience of others. We are also under attack from Bots, Sales and Marketing strategies and Trolls who want to push us.

Don’t keep pulling the handbrake, look at the road infront, be aware of what is going on around you and show courtesy to other road users. But don’t let anything push you. We have to find a way to steer a path through all of this. Music must find a way for everyone to enjoy.

What I’m talking about is cooperation, unity, sharing and collaboration in the world of Music on every level in the face of mass destruction. Pardon me for going round in a big circle here but… this idea started Birmingham Music Network back in the year 2000. It is no longer the case that “this is good” but “that is bad.” It’s not “either, or,” it’s not “ones and zeros,” we have to leave the idea of “Binary thinking” behind and embrace “It can be both…. and.” We need a better understanding of quantum mechanics rather than the ability to read a simple bar code. If you’re an artist, I expect few rules apply. As Douglas Rushkoff has suggested, we need to keep things fluid and interchangeable, rather than fixed or absolute.

All creatives and anyone who works with them have something to offer, in some sense. It’s time to unite and stand together or be utterly consumed by what’s coming down the track. You’ve heard it many times before, United we stand, divided we fall. It’s time to find the others, and work with them. They may not be aware of what’s happening.

Musician’s must unite. Those who work with musicians must unite, venues and labels and promoters must unite. We are all struggling to find a way through. You probably think you’re all right. Maybe you are annoyed because you think everyone else is doing all right, maybe you are despairing because nothing is all right. The time has come to put away all these thoughts and look to one another for help and support and to learn to work together and operate for all our common good rather than some selfish pursuit. We all know the story of the big fish eating the little fish or the one company buying up, or putting out of business, all the other companies.

The pond we all live in, the ecosystem that sustains artists, musicians and creatives appears to be drying up. And big or small, all of us are staring down the end of all things. Either we adapt and overcome through collaboration and solidarity or we are going to be wiped away by our own myopic stupidity.

If you haven’t already noticed, the Music Business has relaunched itself as the Nostalgia Business and you weren’t even consulted. Everything is looking in the rear view mirror. What it used to be, where it used to be, what people used to like, what happened back when. The bands I work with sell more T-shirts and Hoodies than they do their own Records on Vinyl or CD. How can anyone justify an album budget when the 3 million streams it generates amounts to less than £200.

John Sinclair, the Detroit poet and former manager of MC5 said to me “I offered them Revolution, but the people didn’t want it.” John tried to bring people together to effect change but in the end people just wanted to do their own thing. The Revolution fell at the first fence. John also said “When I’m gone, the work must go on. Don’t just stop.” or words to that effect. For John it was all about the freedom to create whatever you wanted, to enjoy music, play music, share music and of course enjoy whatever else he wanted to do. He was a lifelong advocate for the legalisation of Marijuana. But John also said something else to me, he said “You have to make the world you want to live in, through your actions, what you do every day.” He said it was up to me. I had to choose what I wanted to do. We all have free will. So what should we do with it?

His words continue to send thoughts through my mind about the situation Musicians find themselves in and what we can do to make the world we live in better for everyone. We have to stand together now.

Go to any social media platform and you will find people offering you solutions in exchange for money, there’s the 5 things you need to know about, or the ten things you must do before. It’s always someone else’s fault. This record is not Mint, it’s VG+ at best. Everyone should do what someone else says. Everyone has an opinion and it is usually leading towards asking someone for money or telling you that what they are doing is better than what someone else is doing. In truth, no one is going to get a refund. Few of us are getting paid. We are all facing annihilation.

I would like to make a general call out to anyone who reads this, we need to encourage unity and cooperation across music, touring, cultural and creative industries because without that, none of us will be able to secure political and public support for the help we all need with the issues we face, especially in the UK. I’m talking about the consequences of Covid 19, Brexit and years of unhelpful or misinformed local and national government policy. We need to find the others and encourage them to join us.

We have to stop blaming each other and we need to unite to initiate meaningful change. Lets work together again, as a united group made up of all those who enjoy music, work with music, create music, or have anything remotely to do with music. Everyone has a piece of the puzzle. You have a piece of the puzzle. Here’s mine.

Our job is to find the others and make something happen.

If you are a musician or someone who works with musicians, here below is some of the current list of issues that everyone is having to face. It’s not good, and it doesn’t make for easy reading. If anyone has some good ideas about what we can all do, lets hear them. If anyone has found a better way, please share it with us. Let’s talk to one another and lets work together. Music will always find a way, and we need to be good to one another… and by that I mean we have to find a way to communicate, work and play together too. We have to find a way to take back control as a united group. We have to find the others or face the apocalypse. United we stand. There’s always something we can do.

Here it comes:

The British live music industry brings in £500m to the UK economy. But the cost to the sector of bringing in £500m is just over £499m — leaving a profit margin of just 0.2 per cent. This, shockingly, is despite more than 22 million of us enjoying live music performances every year. It is fair to say that, without urgent action from the government, we could lose a number of important community assets that account for over 30,000 jobs and an incalculable music heritage in towns and cities in every part of the country. And from my perspective as a Musicians Tour Manager, most artists that I work with look to income from live performance as their biggest regular opportunity to earn money from their music. The current financial outlook is grim for almost everyone.

City bar closes after 16 months citing ‘unforeseen circumstances’

There’s frustratingly little discussion of our music and nighttime industries in this election

Spiking costs and ‘apex predators’: Inside the UK’s music festival crisis. “It’s carnage,” says one music festival organiser. “People are fighting tooth and nail,” says another. “Something needs to happen because this isn’t working anymore.”

UK Music sets out priorities of the music industry ahead of general election

UK Music wants politicians to devise a national music strategy

Face the music of Brexit barriers. ‘Face the Music’ campaign is urging politicians to find solutions for UK artistes trying to tour in Europe after Brexit

100+ UK festivals will shut down this year – who’s left? – RouteNote Blog

UK Music calls on MPs to fix European touring crisis – Access All Areas

Towersey Festival, UK’s longest running independent, to bow out after 60 years. Operators said this year’s edition of the UK’s longest-running independent music festival will be the last, due to spiralling costs

‘People are forfeiting meals’: musicians on the struggle to financially survive

The Scots band using their DIY touring experience to help with Brexit red tape

What support do you need when working or thinking about working in the EU? Take Part in the MU’s New Survey on Touring in the EU Post Brexit

‘The working class can’t afford it’: the shocking truth about the money bands make on tour. Musicians these days face pitiful fees and frequent losses. What can be done about it?

Visa fees for international artists to tour in the US shot up 250% in April. It could be devastating

Musicians busk along city centre to protest Brexit touring rules

UK dance music industry pens open letter urging young people to vote. over six million young people did not vote in the last election, and more than half of those aged 18-34 were not even registered to vote

All Musicians, artists, performers + MU Midlands Members Urged to Attend Public Meeting to Fight Birmingham City Council Cuts. If you live or work in Birmingham, join us on Sat 27th April for Brum Rise Up to resist cuts

The United Kingdom Faces Many Cancellations Of Music Festivals

Budget slammed as a “missed opportunity” by UK live music industry

Music touring and my career in the industry

Top musicians could disappear unless EU touring issues solved, says MP

UK Sounds: PRS Foundation Launches New Initiative to Support UK Music Export

The music industry is dying! – the effect of Brexit

Brexit Blues: UK Music Industry Suffers as Artists Face Touring Turmoil

British Music Artists Get Post-Brexit Break, With Europe Touring Regulations Eased

‘The whole ecosystem is collapsing’: inside the crisis in Britain’s live music scene

Further festival cancellations – Connect & 110 Above. “The current economic climate means it would be reckless to plough on with such uncertainty and volatile costs – particularly for a fully independent festival”

Brexit: despatches from the downside. The government is starting to give the impression of behaving like the sorcerer’s apprentice, having conjured up forces in Brexit that it doesn’t understand and can’t control.

AIF Launches 5% for festivals scheme to save UK festivals. This World-leading industry still suffers due to issues around Covid and Brexit, making maintaining a UK festival even more difficult than ever

‘UK’s position as live music leader at stake’: nine festivals cancel amid rising costs. Standon Calling among events scheduled for 2024 to call time or postpone amid fears of impact on new talent

UK music festivals at ‘critical point’ as more events cancelled. Covid pandemic, Brexit, the war in Ukraine and cost of living crisis are all cited as contributing factors towards a looming crisis for UK festivals

Flagship venues and grassroots arts across Birmingham hit by ‘devastating’ cuts

Birmingham City Council announce “alarming” culture budget cuts

Brexit may be ‘terminal’ for UK music industry, top academy principal warns

Face The Music Petition. European Movement launches campaign to shine spotlight on plight of musicians post-Brexit

European Movement launches campaign to shine spotlight on plight of musicians post-Brexit

US visa petition fees for international touring musicians to increase by over 120 per cent

Ministers urged to ‘call Paul and Ringo’ over touring musician tax forms

Opera singer David Butt Philip on how Brexit is impacting British musicians

Introduce ticket levy on sponsors of large music venues to support grassroots music venues – Sign the Petition!

Brexit’s bum note: UK orchestras hit by new touring tax. Musicians fear European tours could become unviable under the new regime.

Brexit has been bad for the UK economy, majority of Britons believe

UK to lose 10 per cent of grassroots venues in 2023, as calls grow for rest of industry to invest

The first report of the 2023 Musicians’ Census has just been released and gives a detailed insight into the demographic makeup of UK musicians, the barriers to career progression and economic challenges

Brexit continues to hurt UK Musicians and Crew – Hypebot

Brexit batters incomes of over 80% of UK touring musicians, as calls mount for immediate government action

UK Musicians’ Census reveals insights on earnings and career barriers

Nearly half of working UK musicians earn less than £14k, new census finds

‘The buildings were a sign of civic pride’: anger as art colleges around the UK close their doors

Campaigners blame Brexit for drop in European artists playing UK festivals

UK Music and FanFair Alliance deliver their latest calls for reform

Third of UK musicians earn less than £14k

The Brexit deal has been devastating for touring UK musicians – but this can be rectified

More Than 80% Of UK Musicians Touring EU Have Seen Brexit Hit Their Earnings

UK musicians’ tour earnings plummet thanks to Brexit

UK Music survey: 82% of artists touring EU say Brexit has hit earnings

Ash’s Tim Wheeler: ‘It’s such a pain in the arse, Brexit’

Future UK-EU negotiations should discuss the adoption of a cultural passport for the creative industries.

Study Reveals Brexit’s Impact on UK Musicians – Ludwig Van Daily

British musicians say they are losing out on gigs and jobs in Europe since Brexit

‘The government has been asleep on the job’: report reveals almost half of UK musicians working less in Europe than before Brexit

Almost 50 per cent of UK musicians working less in Europe after Brexit

Nearly half of UK musicians have lost work in Europe following Brexit, stark report reveals

Brexit sees UK musicians’s work dry up in EU: ‘It’s killing us’

Quarter of music industry workers have had no work in EU since Brexit

How to ensure your post-Brexit travel to the EU is seamless

Nearly 28% of music industry workers have had no work in EU since Brexit – Access All Areas

Labour MP hits out at ‘massively damaging’ issue facing musicians coming to Scotland

Brussels tells EU states: Ignore UK on post-Brexit trade

Over 80% of UK musicians report loss of earnings due to Brexit | News | ArtsProfessional

Brexit red tape ties up musicians touring EU and cuts into earnings

Post-Brexit talent visa gets just three applicants in two years

Stereophonics’ Kelly Jones Criticizes the Use of AI in Music Industry

Visa fee increase for international touring musicians delayed by US government

UK Music – Study raises questions over unintended effects of constraining British artists to domestic tours post-Brexit. – Birmingham Music Network

How Brexit crippled touring for UK musicians

UK music brought in €7.7bn in tourism – but is the scene healthy?

Brexit adding extra stress to concert promoters – Soundsphere magazine

Live Music Research – Researching the business and culture of live music

UK live music revenue to hit all-time high this year – Access All Areas

‘I can’t keep making a loss’: bands shun UK festivals as touring costs rise. Musicians say they can’t afford to go on the road any more, while smaller events are cut back or cancelled

Event professionals. There has been expectation that those looking to break into the industry carry the financial burden of inadequate budgets, and endure long hours, below acceptable welfare conditions, and undefined outcomes.

Trent Reznor Gives Update on Future of Nine Inch Nails. “The importance of music — or lack of importance of music — in today’s world, from my perspective, is a little defeating”

Lords committee urges end to Brexit barriers for musicians and young people

Parliament opens debate on the devastating impact of Brexit

Ice Cube says AI is demonic and its use in music will spark a backlash: ‘Somebody can’t take your original voice and manipulate it without having to pay.’

Britain’s ever-harsher welfare system means that now only the rich can afford to make art | Alex Niven

The Carry On Touring Campaign

Why UK Bands Playing in Europe Are Booing Brexit

Musicians left ‘sad and humiliated’ by disaster of post-Brexit travel for gigs

Noel Gallagher blasts Brexit: ‘absolute disaster’

Blur frontman: ‘Brexit was a travesty for young musicians’

Blur’s Damon Albarn labels Brexit a “disaster”

Midnight Sun Festival launch cancelled.“Rising costs and limited availability on festival infrastructure, as well as the cost of living crisis having an impact on ticket sales means that we are not in the position to deliver the event”

The Government-backed Live Events Reinsurance Scheme, designed to offer live events operators cover during the Covid-19 pandemic, paid out just one single claim of £180,500 while generating nearly £6m in premiums to cover 169 events

David Furnish slams Brexit red tape amid slump in UK acts at EU festivals

Musicians left devastated as Brexit takes toll on travel for gigs | The National

EU Provides Clarity Regarding Portable Musical Instruments and Associated ATA Carnet Requirements

The art of Brexterity: the vandalism of one of the UK’s most profitable sectors

Simon Rattle is right: Britain is becoming a cultural desert – and that’s a political choice | Martin Kettle. The arts and classical music say much about us as a country. We will need to fight for their place in our national life

Simon Rattle: UK classical music is fighting for life after ‘swingeing’ funding cuts

37% of young festival-goers put off by increased prices – Access All Areas

Musician explains why AI will never be able to replicate art & music as humans do ‘Disappointed feeling that there are smart people out there that actually think the artistic act is so mundane that it can be replicated by a machine,’

Ukrainian orchestra’s key members refused visas to play in UK

German band ‘refused entry to UK in Brexit rules row’

Glasgow venue ‘struggling’ as Brexit rules are ‘killing’ independent music scene

Britain is a dying nation in need of new curators | Stewart Lee

In Brexit Britain, the arts are being treated as hobbyist luxuries for the independently wealthy. A day job is a reality for many it’s how artists, writers, & musicians, not blessed with independent or inherited wealth, keep themselves afloat

Dominion Festival debut cancelled with only 5% of tickets sold – Access All Areas

Ian MacKaye on the “depressing” state of the music industry

New US visa 260% price hike will impose further pain on UK touring musicians

British Musicians Suffer from the Cost of Living Crisis – Skipping a Meal, Performing Less, and Finding a New Job Is on Today’s Agenda

Music by the many for the many – SAM SWEEK highlights the devastation Government policies have visited on the music industry

Government accepts key Committee recommendations to provide greater transparency on music streaming work and a more proactive approach to cultural policy

38 Million tracks on music streaming services were played ZERO times in 2022. Nearly a quarter (24%) of the 158 million tracks on music streaming services monitored by Luminate in 2022 attracted ZERO plays that year. That’s approximately 38 million tracks

Robomagic’s James Massing on putting artists and the planet first

Festival Lab 2023 course to tackle lack of diversity in festival industry – Access All Areas

UK Music calls on Chancellor to back eight-point plan for jobs and growth | M Magazine

U.S. Visa Hike May Impact Future Mobility of Touring Musicians

Music venues and clubs warn of mass closures after government spring budget revealed

The Price of Music: Artists explain how the monumental expenses of touring make it an unfeasible reality

British Musicians Suffer from the Cost of Living Crisis – OperaWire ?

The economy is so bad for British musicians that 25% are having to skip meals – Alan Cross

British musicians forced to cancel US tours as visa costs rise

Music Venue Trust calls on local councils to help save gig spaces after Preston City Council gives £150k to Own Our Venues scheme

Cost of living and last minute gig-goer decisions “a perfect storm” for grassroots music venues

Leaked letter: ‘A toxic culture of fear and paranoia’ at the BBC, from the D-G down – SlippediscSlippedisc | The inside track on classical music and related cultures, by Norman Lebrecht

Artists in UK public sector making far below minimum wage, survey finds | Arts funding | The Guardian

Tour Management: Crossing the UK/EU Border Using a Carnet

Tour Management: Going to Ireland and crossing the UK/EU Border using a Carnet

German punk band Trigger Cut refused entry to UK to tour because of Brexit

German punk band ‘humiliated’ after being refused UK entry due to post-Brexit rules

In Conversation with Dodgy’s Nigel Clark: all things Britpop, Billie Eilish, and why Britain just isn’t being ‘Good Enough’ to its musicians – The Mancunion

Bandcamp Friday – If you have the means to do so, please support Bandcamp Friday & buy direct from artists & labels. It’s a way to support independent musicians directly & sustain their work And if you don’t have the means to make a purchase, leave a comment and share, share, share. Everything helps.

Subscribe to the Birmingham Music Network Newsletter on Substack here

If you find any other good articles worth sharing, get in touch.

Tweet us @BirminghamMN

The brutal truth to earning a living as a Musician in 2023

Birmingham Music Network works with the local music community to stimulate growth, inspire, and share knowledge. We offer practical based industry experience and are not genre specific.

Being a musician involves composing, conducting, or performing music as a profession or as a hobby. Musicians create, perform, and interpret music in various styles, either alone or as part of a group or ensemble. A music performer is generally either a singer who provides vocals or an instrumentalist who plays a musical instrument. Musicians may specialise in different styles of music depending on their background, training, and interests. Additionally, being a musician may involve recording and releasing music as a recording artist, which involves creating both a musical work and a sound recording protected by copyright. Ultimately, being a musician is a passion for creating and sharing music with others. But it’s not easy to earn a living as a musician.

Musicians, like all of us, are facing the biggest decline in living standards in living memory. Millions of people up and down the country are now dependent on foodbanks, with over 100,000 having to access warm banks each week and many more are taking on multiple jobs just to keep the radiators on in their homes and to put food on their table.

Over a decade of austerity, cuts and the Covid-19 pandemic has taken its toll on almost every single aspect of modern society. The lasting negative impact of the cost of living crisis remains to be seen but, for the live music and entertainment industry, it may just be the latest hammerblow to a sector where serious financial issues have gone unaddressed for too long.

Last month, the Music Venues Trust released its annual report for the year 2022 which highlighted the fragility of the British live music industry, which brings in £500m to the UK economy and has a total sector expenditure of just over £499m — leaving a profit margin of just 0.2 per cent.

This, shockingly, is despite 22 million of us enjoying live music performances last year.

It is fair to say that, without urgent action from the government, we could lose a number of important community assets that account for over 30,000 jobs and an incalculable music heritage in towns and cities in every part of the country.

UK to lose 10 per cent of grassroots venues in 2023, as calls grow for rest of industry to invest

The first report of the 2023 Musicians’ Census has just been released and gives a detailed insight into the demographic makeup of UK musicians, the barriers to career progression and economic challenges

Brexit continues to hurt UK Musicians and Crew – Hypebot

Brexit batters incomes of over 80% of UK touring musicians, as calls mount for immediate government action

UK Musicians’ Census reveals insights on earnings and career barriers

Nearly half of working UK musicians earn less than £14k, new census finds

‘The buildings were a sign of civic pride’: anger as art colleges around the UK close their doors

Campaigners blame Brexit for drop in European artists playing UK festivals

UK Music and FanFair Alliance deliver their latest calls for reform

Third of UK musicians earn less than £14k

The Brexit deal has been devastating for touring UK musicians – but this can be rectified

More Than 80% Of UK Musicians Touring EU Have Seen Brexit Hit Their Earnings

UK musicians’ tour earnings plummet thanks to Brexit

UK Music survey: 82% of artists touring EU say Brexit has hit earnings

Ash’s Tim Wheeler: ‘It’s such a pain in the arse, Brexit’

Future UK-EU negotiations should discuss the adoption of a cultural passport for the creative industries.

Study Reveals Brexit’s Impact on UK Musicians – Ludwig Van Daily

British musicians say they are losing out on gigs and jobs in Europe since Brexit

‘The government has been asleep on the job’: report reveals almost half of UK musicians working less in Europe than before Brexit

Almost 50 per cent of UK musicians working less in Europe after Brexit

Nearly half of UK musicians have lost work in Europe following Brexit, stark report reveals

Brexit sees UK musicians’s work dry up in EU: ‘It’s killing us’

Quarter of music industry workers have had no work in EU since Brexit

How to ensure your post-Brexit travel to the EU is seamless

Nearly 28% of music industry workers have had no work in EU since Brexit – Access All Areas

Labour MP hits out at ‘massively damaging’ issue facing musicians coming to Scotland

Brussels tells EU states: Ignore UK on post-Brexit trade

Over 80% of UK musicians report loss of earnings due to Brexit | News | ArtsProfessional

Brexit red tape ties up musicians touring EU and cuts into earnings

Post-Brexit talent visa gets just three applicants in two years

Stereophonics’ Kelly Jones Criticizes the Use of AI in Music Industry

Visa fee increase for international touring musicians delayed by US government

UK Music – Study raises questions over unintended effects of constraining British artists to domestic tours post-Brexit. – Birmingham Music Network

How Brexit crippled touring for UK musicians

UK music brought in €7.7bn in tourism – but is the scene healthy?

Brexit adding extra stress to concert promoters – Soundsphere magazine

Live Music Research – Researching the business and culture of live music

UK live music revenue to hit all-time high this year – Access All Areas

‘I can’t keep making a loss’: bands shun UK festivals as touring costs rise. Musicians say they can’t afford to go on the road any more, while smaller events are cut back or cancelled

Event professionals. There has been expectation that those looking to break into the industry carry the financial burden of inadequate budgets, and endure long hours, below acceptable welfare conditions, and undefined outcomes.

Trent Reznor Gives Update on Future of Nine Inch Nails. “The importance of music — or lack of importance of music — in today’s world, from my perspective, is a little defeating”

Lords committee urges end to Brexit barriers for musicians and young people

Parliament opens debate on the devastating impact of Brexit

Ice Cube says AI is demonic and its use in music will spark a backlash: ‘Somebody can’t take your original voice and manipulate it without having to pay.’

Britain’s ever-harsher welfare system means that now only the rich can afford to make art | Alex Niven

The Carry On Touring Campaign

Why UK Bands Playing in Europe Are Booing Brexit

Musicians left ‘sad and humiliated’ by disaster of post-Brexit travel for gigs

Noel Gallagher blasts Brexit: ‘absolute disaster’

Blur frontman: ‘Brexit was a travesty for young musicians’

Blur’s Damon Albarn labels Brexit a “disaster”

Midnight Sun Festival launch cancelled.“Rising costs and limited availability on festival infrastructure, as well as the cost of living crisis having an impact on ticket sales means that we are not in the position to deliver the event”

The Government-backed Live Events Reinsurance Scheme, designed to offer live events operators cover during the Covid-19 pandemic, paid out just one single claim of £180,500 while generating nearly £6m in premiums to cover 169 events

David Furnish slams Brexit red tape amid slump in UK acts at EU festivals

Musicians left devastated as Brexit takes toll on travel for gigs | The National

EU Provides Clarity Regarding Portable Musical Instruments and Associated ATA Carnet Requirements

The art of Brexterity: the vandalism of one of the UK’s most profitable sectors

Simon Rattle is right: Britain is becoming a cultural desert – and that’s a political choice | Martin Kettle. The arts and classical music say much about us as a country. We will need to fight for their place in our national life

Simon Rattle: UK classical music is fighting for life after ‘swingeing’ funding cuts

37% of young festival-goers put off by increased prices – Access All Areas

Musician explains why AI will never be able to replicate art & music as humans do ‘Disappointed feeling that there are smart people out there that actually think the artistic act is so mundane that it can be replicated by a machine,’

Ukrainian orchestra’s key members refused visas to play in UK

German band ‘refused entry to UK in Brexit rules row’

Glasgow venue ‘struggling’ as Brexit rules are ‘killing’ independent music scene

Britain is a dying nation in need of new curators | Stewart Lee

In Brexit Britain, the arts are being treated as hobbyist luxuries for the independently wealthy. A day job is a reality for many it’s how artists, writers, & musicians, not blessed with independent or inherited wealth, keep themselves afloat

Dominion Festival debut cancelled with only 5% of tickets sold – Access All Areas

Ian MacKaye on the “depressing” state of the music industry

New US visa 260% price hike will impose further pain on UK touring musicians

British Musicians Suffer from the Cost of Living Crisis – Skipping a Meal, Performing Less, and Finding a New Job Is on Today’s Agenda

Music by the many for the many – SAM SWEEK highlights the devastation Government policies have visited on the music industry

Government accepts key Committee recommendations to provide greater transparency on music streaming work and a more proactive approach to cultural policy

38 Million tracks on music streaming services were played ZERO times in 2022. Nearly a quarter (24%) of the 158 million tracks on music streaming services monitored by Luminate in 2022 attracted ZERO plays that year. That’s approximately 38 million tracks

Robomagic’s James Massing on putting artists and the planet first

Festival Lab 2023 course to tackle lack of diversity in festival industry – Access All Areas

UK Music calls on Chancellor to back eight-point plan for jobs and growth | M Magazine

U.S. Visa Hike May Impact Future Mobility of Touring Musicians

Music venues and clubs warn of mass closures after government spring budget revealed

The Price of Music: Artists explain how the monumental expenses of touring make it an unfeasible reality

British Musicians Suffer from the Cost of Living Crisis – OperaWire ?

The economy is so bad for British musicians that 25% are having to skip meals – Alan Cross

British musicians forced to cancel US tours as visa costs rise

Music Venue Trust calls on local councils to help save gig spaces after Preston City Council gives £150k to Own Our Venues scheme

Cost of living and last minute gig-goer decisions “a perfect storm” for grassroots music venues

Leaked letter: ‘A toxic culture of fear and paranoia’ at the BBC, from the D-G down – SlippediscSlippedisc | The inside track on classical music and related cultures, by Norman Lebrecht

Artists in UK public sector making far below minimum wage, survey finds | Arts funding | The Guardian

Tour Management: Crossing the UK/EU Border Using a Carnet

Tour Management: Going to Ireland and crossing the UK/EU Border using a Carnet

German punk band Trigger Cut refused entry to UK to tour because of Brexit

German punk band ‘humiliated’ after being refused UK entry due to post-Brexit rules

In Conversation with Dodgy’s Nigel Clark: all things Britpop, Billie Eilish, and why Britain just isn’t being ‘Good Enough’ to its musicians – The Mancunion

Let me be clear. If you don’t buy direct from Artists and Musicians, and if you don’t buy physical products from Artists and Musicians, those Artists and Musicians you like won’t be able to survive much longer. Please make your purchases now or make your way to the exit as the store will have to close soon. You have the power to keep Artists and Musicians in work. Think what you are doing. And if you don’t act, those subscription services you like so much…. might just be all that will be left.

Bandcamp Friday – If you have the means to do so, please support Bandcamp Friday & buy direct from artists & labels. It’s a way to support independent musicians directly & sustain their work And if you don’t have the means to make a purchase, leave a comment and share, share, share. Everything helps.

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UK Music – Study raises questions over unintended effects of constraining British artists to domestic tours post-Brexit.

Music brought in over £6.6bn and 14 million tourists to the UK’s economy last year, a new study has found. The study highlights the country’s continued cultural soft power and raises questions over unintended effects of constraining British artists to domestic tours post-Brexit.

UK Music, a collective organisation representing the nation’s music industry, has released its

‘Here, There and Everywhere’ report

detailing the impact of music on the UK’s economy in 2022.

The headline figures of the study were that the British music scene brought 14.4 million tourists to live gigs such as last year’s Glastonbury Festival, headlined by Sir Paul McCartney and US artists like Billie Eilish and Kendrick Lamar.

“Music is one of our country’s great assets – not only is it absolutely critical to the economic success of our local areas, but it also generates huge amounts of soft power and helps put our towns and cities on the global map,” UK Music Chief Executive Jamie Njoku-Goodwin said.

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Just Ask: West Midlands Tickets Online Event, Zoom. Monday 05 December 2022

Just Ask

This is a free training session for promoters, venues, show reps etc. to learn and discuss how to best support artists with access requirements, delivered by Attitude is Everything. Just Ask sets a standard for how we can work together across the live music industry to meet the access requirements of artists and crew who identify as Deaf, disabled and/or neurodivergent.

Launched in partnership with Independent Venue Community, Attitude is Everything and a flagship group of promoters, Just Ask sets the blueprint and will make asking about access requirements an industry standard question in advance of a gig or festival performance – taking the burden away from disabled artists.

About Attitude is Everything

Attitude is Everything,
have over 20 years’ experience supporting the live music sector to include disabled fans, professionals and performers. It is a chance to ask any questions, learn new skills and develop accessible practices which you can put in place when engaging with artists.

Just Ask: West Midlands Tickets Online Event, Zoom. Monday 05 December 2022

About the session

  • This event will be hosted on Zoom – you’ll receive a meeting link on the day of the session via email.
  • Download the Just Ask guide which should be used as an accompaniment to this introductory training session.

If you have any questions or issues, please contact Community Manager Lou at

Just Ask Guide