- “Crystal Castles // Health – split 7 inch single (new) on eBay”
http://hub.tm/WEtrv # - Come to "the fawcett inn portsmouth" Friday, April 16 from 8:00 pm to 4:35 am. old school underground venue… http://bit.ly/9 … #
- http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=4243460&l=a6f4a3f2ec&id=19578926511 (via @terrestrials) #
- Trying to find more gigs for Last Under The Sun in Belgium 16th and 17th May 2010 #
- Bill Hicks on Easter http://bit.ly/9QwAOM #
- Microblog 2010-04-04 http://goo.gl/fb/bpL0g #
- Microblog 2010-04-04 http://goo.gl/fb/NcoZx #
- Who’s that xxxx over there? http://twitpic.com/1der7j #
- http://twitpic.com/1der7j – Frank Says: “Who’s that Cunt over there?” #
- Wikileaks Unearths Classified Video Of Military Massacre In An Iraqi Suburb http://bit.ly/aIAMqS #
- Shocking footage of death of photographer at hands of US forces http://bit.ly/dyGO1J (via @thestirrer) #
- The killing of a press man by US forces http://www.thestirrer.co.uk/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7938 (via @thestirrer) #
- Journalist Groups Demand Apache Massacre Investigation – http://tiny.cc/5qddy #
- Report: British Soldiers Using Models of Mosques for Target Practice: http://is.gd/bkyaa #
- Iraq War Vet: “We Were Told to Just Shoot People, and the Officers Would Take Care of Us” http://bit.ly/bMpxm2 #
- Sex Pistols manager Malcolm McLaren dies aged 64 http://dlvr.it/SHPW #
- PUNKS ALIVE GIGS @ the old wharf, digbeth, #Birmingham april 9th cryo-genics + cock55 + support #punk #
- PUNKS ALIVE GIGS @ the old wharf, digbeth, #Birmingham #punk may 22nd the varukers + Menace + alcohol licks + support #
- PUNKS ALIVE GIGS @ the old wharf, digbeth, #Birmingham #punk june 10th disorder + support #
- PUNKS ALIVE GIGS @ the old wharf, digbeth, #Birmingham #punk june 19th instant agony + support #
- PUNKS ALIVE GIGS @ the old wharf, digbeth, #Birmingham #punk july 9th genital deformities +grind the enemy+discarded+ support #
- PUNKS ALIVE GIGS @ the old wharf, digbeth, #Birmingham #punk
sept 18th poundaflesh + support # - PUNKS ALIVE GIGS @ the old wharf, digbeth, #Birmingham #punk nov 6th uk subs +broken-bones+ support #
- working on police bastard artwork stuff,European gigs for Last Under The Sun in May,emails,& sorting boxes of new tshirts of P.B. & P.A.I.N #
- Bilderberg To Prolong Global Financial Recession For Another Year – http://tiny.cc/cvr9f #
- Anti Police Violence Protest – 4 videos of Portland’ stand against police violence: http://bit.ly/dpS6nT #
- The Coming Internet Protection Racket or Rentier Digital Capitalism: http://bit.ly/aHMOWs #