September 2009
Music Network Meeting Minutes
Present: Mark Badger Iron Man Records, Vince O”Malley and music exchanges, Adrian Kimberline from exit recording, Jennifer Bolton singer songwroter, Simon Howes sound engineer, Darren Roberts Birmingham Uni, Keisha Thompson singer songwriter, Phil Manford, Andy CFO for the beatsmiths
Apologies: Andy Derrick, Clare Edwards,
Vince: Music Exchanges
This site is developing fast and is about to launch a musicians networking section, auction area to buy and sell, recruitment section for musicians to find people to play with and plaza section. Work continues on the development of the networking side of the site and a section called my band: name details etc. The site will be able to handle multiple bands diaries
Mentioned: 26th-27th sept cocksmoor woods leiesure center
tickets £5 on dar £6 for the weekend
young drummer of the year Richard rainer
rhythm magazine will be at the event. discussions of vintage drum kits
also on following weekend 2-4pm on stourbridge radio: the bridge to discuss music exchanges. hoping to choose a playlist.
The site will be initially going to uk wide.
Dave Taylor
Todays speaker: David Rose who use to be at bbc music pebble mill. head of drama.
Adrian Kimberline: Wanted to talk about mastering.
mention of Simon at Musoplex for mastering.
also for mastering Ian Shepherd based in cambridge soundrecording technology: 01480 461880.
Mentioned the musicins union event at the drum
discussion followed regarding Musicians Union and activities in the local area.
Keisha mentioned John Morris: nurvrax runs website called
There”s a new event every six weeks at venue near drum with open mic etc. plus singers. On 15th october there will be a live showcase
LIME: ladies in music and entertainment. The year anniversary tonight
at the O Bar on broad street.
Darren: doing a phd on the “Geography of Networks” to do with music
He is interested in the music world and is looking at “networks in music”
He is looking at how music emerges in the city, how the city influences music and its emergent forms.
list of networks mentioned:
lozells and the young disciples and urban record label
music exchanges
musicians union
audience central
social networks social media
anyone interested in discussing info further emai:
Anthony Hughes from sostenuto: music mentoring scheme and screen wm
Mike: freelence illustrator. He has done comic books, illustration. He”s looking to work with band doing artwork. trying to get into it like flyers and posters A number of people wanted to get in touch and get mike to do some artwork. Some suggestions included to register with national illustration assoc and wrietsr and artists yearbook, also talk to st pauls gallery in hockley
Anthony Hughes: a film called “le Donk” a shane meadows film. bafta event and handful of tickets available, 6th oct, the electric cinema.
Sostenuto: Black Country Music Network on the first tuesday of every month.
takes place at the public. at major key studios. 4-6pm
running a program called routes to music across the whole of the black country
Mentioned he is very close to releasing an album.
talked about digital downloads: tunecore, ditto music, horus music, ioda,
mentions of, spotify,
Questions raised regarding Music Lawyers: Musicians Union mentioned, Kevan Tidy from Iron Man Records mentioned, other local lawyers mentioned. Discussions on current state of copyright, creative commons licences and more
Discussion followed including: mention: Andrew Dubber, BCU, Jez and Birmingham Music month, Birmingham Music.
Details of next Music Network Meeting and possible new location to be posted in the next week or so, keep an eye on this site.