- Via @BrumPunks: http://twitpic.com/kv8fb – XL’s, Eddies, Exposure ‘reunion’ night tomorrow at The Asylum #
- Only two things to complain about today. Karaoke in the hotel bar and the fuzz have shown up for it http://twitpic.com/kvi5e #
- How can twitter improve Customer service? how can social networks influence customer service? http://bit.ly/19SANl (via @socialmediainfo) #
- Why does anyone need a paper-weight? Who has such a windy desk?! (via @CharlesWBrown) #deadformat #
- #vaginamonologues have been good to me so far and supplied hotels too. #
- When are hotels going to supply free wifi as standard rather than free trouser press, free pen, paper and envelopes? #deadformat #
- On the way to Eastbourne for another day of #vaginamonologues #
- Taking a walk along the seafront in Eastbourne looking for somewhere to get a sandwich that doesn’t cost £7 #
- Sat by the sea enjoying the view. I reckon #vaginamonologues look after their people well #
- Thank you Eastbourne, that had to be the worst cheese sandwich ever, I understand why the woman in spar was buying 16 cans of strongbow now #
- Of course I’m an idiot. My speciality includes standing in a black tshirt in the hot sun by the beach complaining about cheese sandwiches #
- treding topics on twitter,marge simpson,nobel peace prize.my hotel room: another trouser press and nice view of the car park, but FREE WIFI! #
- Gotta nip out and do some things, catch you later #
- @disinfo: A Personal Plea Regarding The Swine Flu Hoax http://bit.ly/7aMD4 #
- @disinfo: Homegrown Pot Threatens Mexican Cartels http://bit.ly/36UzCM #
- #vaginamonologues all loaded out, just waiting on a Chinese takeaway in an attempt to try somthing other than Indian food. #
- My brain is almost full for today. Peej put a load of documentary stuff on my computer and I’ve been working through some of them…. #
- In most cases,fascists come to power after a nation has suffered economic collapse,military defeat or some other disaster.look around you #
- ….The fascist party wins mass support by promising to revive the economy and restore national pride. Do your research #
- Think I’ve got to stop watching documentary about everything ever.too much information to think about all at same time.my mind is melting #
- Leaving Eastbourne, on to London next. The lifeboat and helicopter are out practising already but too far to photo. http://twitpic.com/l3ppd #
- @BrumPunks: RT @midge_uk: . @kerrangradio’s website is an unnavigable mess #Kerrang #
- @Dee7779 – ET Earth Base; Secret Space Station http://hub.tm/?OkgSu #
- if you have three hours to spare this makes interesting viewing once you get past first 20 mins Jordan Maxwell speaks http://hub.tm/?evorV #
- Jordan Maxwell talks at length and in detail, an overview of everything ever http://hub.tm/?bKdDJ #
- @disinfo: Forget Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize, October 9th Was Leif Erikson Day http://bit.ly/1Lispn #
- Here’s another interesting video. Jordan Maxwell – Basic Slideshow Presentation on Hidden Symbols http://hub.tm/?tiTjB #
- One popadom, vegetable dansak, pilau rice, garlic naan. Green. The balti place is painted green. Arghh. Jordan maxwell leave my dinner alone #
- @BrumPunks: RT @midge_uk: Video of Atilla the Stockbroker at The Wagon and Horses, Digbeth…http://tinyurl.com/ygzds8k #
- Dirty Herd is a Birmingham based screen printing company offering high quality printing at affordable prices http://hub.tm/?YfJTz #
- Iron Man Records eBay shop sells punk, rock, cd, dvd, vinyl, and video http://hub.tm/?xXkSb #
- attack from a bioweapon in the guise of mandatory swine flu vaccinations http://hub.tm/?FayOM #
- America: Freedom to Fascism – Director’s Authorized Version http://hub.tm/?mJjZn #
- Ratlines were systems of escape routes for Nazis & other fascists fleeing Europe at the end of World War II http://hub.tm/?Hnvsh #
- Dufus European Tour dates November December 2009 http://hub.tm/?PzmrI #
- The circular saw and hammering has begun at the hotel. I suppose it’s time to leave and head to tunbridge wells…. #
- @BrumPunks: http://twitpic.com/l8myh – Punky Reggae old gals The Slits play The Rainbow, Wednesday #
- @BrumPunks: http://twitpic.com/l8n52 – That Slits flyer again #
- This just in from @prisonplanet: Waco Siege "Enforcer" To Rule Over Global Police Force – http://tiny.cc/Qs2XR #
- Acoustic Fest London Sat 17th Oct 2009 flyer http://hub.tm/?LMsPJ #
- Acoustic Fest London Sat 17th Oct 2009 flyer http://hub.tm/?SvvRx #
- Rush To Harvest California Marijuana Fields Before Raids http://bit.ly/4m3IH7 #
- Flipper at O2 Academy 2 Birmingham Sun 08 Nov 2009 http://hub.tm/?RIImS #
- On tonights menu Chinese beancurd with spicy chopped vegetables with steamed rice. Off to Ludlow tomorrow #
- Acoustic Fest 2009 flyer http://hub.tm/?msggA #
- Dufus USA & European Tour dates 2009. If you can offer more shows get in touch http://hub.tm/?afZkL #
- I’m off to Ludlow today with #vaginamonologues #
- Listening to godflesh – in all languages. Hello to @jonone100 hope it goes well for seasick steve, say hello from me #
- @jonone100 can you check if barry ever got the prefects and nightingales CDs I sent him? #
- @jonone100 I bet Barry is pleased no one had to drive him through fields of mud to get there. Bestival last year was insane #
- @jonone100 anyway, have fun sounds like a great line up for the show #
- John doom is going to be at framework studios, Musoplex today doing vocals for new police bastard recordings #
- I’m on way to Ludlow but taking a few stops to Twitter and buy coffee. I need to get a life by Friday, this can’t go on. #
- “The Iron Man Records ebay shop sells Punk, Rock, Metal & Alternative music on CD, Vinyl & DVD. Here’s the link” http://hub.tm/?XqAPT #
- Trafigura oil polluters/Carter Ruck @ center of Guardian gagging order. Beat ban & champion free speech #trafigura #
- @jonone100 is Getting ready for jools holland live show in 10mins. Seasick Steve’s on near the end. #
- Anyone watching jools holland and seasick steve on tv look out for @jonone100 tweeting in the background #
- Morning all. Today I’m mostly driving to redhill then west hendon then redhill. #vaginamonologues had a good one in Ludlow last night #
- Heres a VIDEO: New World Order Trailer http://tmogul.com/tweet/Up7S6 #
- @disinfo: Dollar Devaluation and the Working Class http://bit.ly/YwB0c #
- Tamiflu In Rivers Could Breed Drug-Resistant Super-Flu Strain http://bit.ly/11Hq4k #
- @disinfo: Airport Trials Naked-image Security Scans http://bit.ly/xmdCH #
- @disinfo: Obese People More Likely To Contract Swine Flu?! http://bit.ly/1YDddf #
- Richard Belzer calls out the Federal Reserve on HBO http://bit.ly/HiyWG #
- Listening to Joni Mitchell #
- And now listening to anal beard – din noir. Possibly One of their more important works. #
- Traffic at a standstill southbound on #m40 looks like an accident between j11 and j10 #
- @BrumPunks: http://twitpic.com/l8n52 – Punky Reggae old gals The Slits play The Rainbow, Tonight! #
- UK police use anti-terrorist legislation to stop climate change activist travelling http://bit.ly/13ocxn #
- @jonone100 so what’s it to be? #
- @jonone100 classic flavour combination though. I’m on mixed vegetables, beancurd and boiled rice in redhill #
- What’s it all about? The seperation of the people from their government. The people have nothing to do with it anymore. #
- Taxi! Get me out of here, I’ve had enough now. What do you mean it’s a one hour wait? #
- Does anybody really know what time it is? #
- @Magick_Temple I can supply you with more mp3 of anal beard there’s a few more releases you need to have. A fav band of mine in reply to Magick_Temple #
- @VBJo there’s always some who do and always some who don’t but the ones in between may be secretly interested in reply to VBJo #
- via @disinfo Goldman Sachs Gives $23 Billion In 2009 Bonuses http://bit.ly/1207mr #
- Nature Illustrations From Chernobyl http://bit.ly/4hdmYX #
- load out time in redhill then driving #vaginamonologues lot to hotel in Putney. Oxford tomorrow. Coffee awaits #
- On menu for hotel breakfast today it’s fleetwork mac and witney houstan. I don’t even know how to spell her name. If only they’d play slayer #
- Off to oxford with #vaginamonologues in a bit. Wonder how long it will take to get a parking ticket. #
- @anthonyjhughes nah the stadium thing. in reply to anthonyjhughes #
- I noticed a huge poster in shepherds bush for seasick steve’s new album. Can’t wait to hear it. #
- New Age Mafia Rivalry Causes Deaths? http://bit.ly/1NcCEN #
- Vai @Magick_Temple: http://mikeabsalomart.blogspot.com/ Mike Absalom is back in the EU – essential for children’s parties! #
- @anthonyjhughes regions music sector support suffering from bad case of ‘not in my back yard’ Ways forward?thoughts? #
- Alan titchmarsh in the gym,church organ music in the swimming pool, radio one in the changing room, is there any escape from the onslaught? #
- Punk alldayer,victoria inn,7th nov 2009 contempt,eastfield,jesus bruiser,cad’s bounders and scoundrals,ram man,alcohol licks and more £5 4pm #
- #Punk all dayer,victoria inn,derby,uk 7th nov 2009 contempt,eastfield,jesus bruiser,cad’s bounders & scoundrals,ram man,alcohol licks £5 4pm #
- via @PoliceBastard band are totally stoked with new recordings. Big thanks to Johnny Doom for his time on the project too. #
- Reknaw stage 24th oct,Inner terrestrials, Gurka,Headjam, Extinguishers,mienhof,Ruthless,playing urban haphazard #punk #
- Veggie burger from peppers, bluecheese& chips.They’re playing “hear the drummer get wicked.”first time I came here thatcher was pm. argh! #
- Giant Snakes Threaten the U.S. http://bit.ly/3k0tJQ #
- Breakfast was a bowl of fruit n fibre two cups of coffee & scrambled eggs, beans & grilled tomato. It’s Friday, no I haven’t got a life yet. #