- RT @yokoono IMAGINE PEACE: Think PEACE, Act PEACE, Spread PEACE. http://IMAGINEPEACE.com #
- Get Lost With Dennis Hopper http://t.co/XQ32Jbd #
- Gig: Birmingham PUNX PICNIC 2010: Friday 3rd, Saturday 4th, Sunday 5th September 2010 | Iron… http://goo.gl/fb/0XIZK #
- Birmingham PUNX PICNIC 2010: Friday 3rd, Saturday 4th, Sunday 5th September 2010 | Iron Man… http://goo.gl/fb/tZTz4 #
- I signed “Bring Tony Blair to trial for war crimes” petition. You can sign here http://petol.org/BWCF #petol #warcrime #tonyblair #stopwar #
- @cooper_m I signed “Bring Tony Blair to trial for war crimes” petition. You can sign here http://petol.org/BWCF #petol #warcrime #tonyblair in reply to cooper_m #
- @newsarse I signed “Bring Tony Blair to trial for war crimes” petition. You can sign here http://petol.org/BWCF #petol #warcrime #tonyblair in reply to newsarse #
- @krishgm I signed “Bring Tony Blair to trial for war crimes” petition. You can sign here http://petol.org/BWCF #petol #warcrime #tonyblair in reply to krishgm #
- @BorisWatch I signed “Bring Tony Blair to trial for war crimes” petition. You can sign here http://petol.org/BWCF #petol #warcrime #
- @rosewing I signed “Bring Tony Blair to trial for war crimes” petition. You can sign here http://petol.org/BWCF #petol #warcrime #tonyblair in reply to rosewing #
- Birmingham PUNX PICNIC 2010: Friday 3rd, Saturday 4th, Sunday 5th September 2010 | Iron Man Records http://t.co/hlbmJwF #
- Bring Tony Blair to trial for war crimes Petition http://goo.gl/fb/V4kiw #
- Iron Man Records August 2010 Newsletter http://goo.gl/fb/AMven #
- Police Bastard – It’s Good To Hate reviewed on International Punk / Hardcore http://www.punk-hardcore.info/ #
- Read the Iron Man Records August 2010 e-mail newsletter here: http://ymlp.com/zdmOpO #birmingham #punk #rock #music #
- Punk-hardcore International review Police Bastard http://goo.gl/fb/1c768 #
- I’m at Ours (7 greenholm road, Birmingham) w/ 2 others. http://4sq.com/aj0FRH #
- I’m at HellFire Studios (Unit A2, 90 Floodgate Street, Birmingham). http://4sq.com/dBLSB0 #
- I’m at Olivia Pizza (32 oldbury road, West Bromwich). http://4sq.com/dmd4wB #
- I’m at Framework Recording Studios (Unit 7, Jas Industrial Estate, Titford Lane, Rowley Regis). http://4sq.com/bpu650 #
- I just became the mayor of Musoplex rehearsal & recording studios on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/aVUlNC #
- I’m at Musoplex rehearsal & recording studios (Unit 7, Jas Industrial Estate, Titford Lane, Rowley Regis). http://4sq.com/aVUlNC #
- I’m at Ours (7 greenholm road, Birmingham). http://4sq.com/aj0FRH #
- Last Under The Sun started rehearsals today in preparation for European tour. Dates and details to follow. Working through emails then sleep #
- @jonone100 U2’s manager wants to save the music industry http://tinyurl.com/29lm9k7 #
- Thoughtful piece by U2’s manager on issues of filesharing, “free” and a vision for the future of the music business http://sqzr.de/1p7 #
- RT @Activedistro more great stuff from Pumpkin Records, PM Press & a few other odds and sods! http://www.activedistributionshop.org/shop/ #punk #
- The 10 Most Disastrous Music Industry Deals… http://bit.ly/93TeEw entertaining reading #
- I’m at Miles Pet Supplies (206 Hawthorn Rd, Birmingham). http://4sq.com/9M1mBR #
- @Magick_Temple Listen to my station on Blip.fm! http://blip.fm/invite/MagickTemple #
- RT @IAmBirmingham We’re looking for people who want to present videos on their fave topics… Birmingham, films, music, etc #
- I’m at Framework Recording Studios (Unit 7, Jas Industrial Estate, Titford Lane, Rowley Regis). http://4sq.com/bpu650 #
- Piracy is pilot market development in my view…RT @musiciansrights @torrentfreak #mshnews Piracy Is Promotion : http://bit.ly/cQjnm4 #
- I’m at Pease Pottage Service Station (Brighton Road, Pease Pottage). http://4sq.com/9Cww8p #
- I’m at Brighton (Brighton, London). http://4sq.com/74ibYK #
- I’m at O2 Academy Brixton (211 Stockwell Road, London). http://4sq.com/3vhSKC #
- Ok so I have front of house engineer sorted. Now to find ld and monitors. I like this game. #
- Monitors sorted and lighting too. Front of house ready. Soundcheck next. All good. How did that happen?! #
- More than 1000 have already asked Waterstone’s to cancel war criminal Tony Blair’s book-signing. Add your voice here: http://bit.ly/93tbfF #
- no doubt that donating a small fraction of £20 million Tony Blair earned cannot absolve him for war crimes he committed as prime minister. #
- Magick is about to go live on http://www.musicworldradio.com wandering through the ether, searching for a hook #radio #music #
- I’m at Tl Newbury Tot Hill (Tothill Services Highclere Hampshire RG20 9 UK, Newbury). http://4sq.com/boTEth #
- On way to Southampton with Johnny 2 bad #
- I’m at Marriott Meon Valley Hotel & Country Club (Sandy Lane, Southampton). http://4sq.com/9MKr1X #
- The MWR Listeners’ Chart countdown is live right now on http://www.musicworldradio.com presented this week by Magick #radio #music #chart #