• The network "No one is illegal" acknowledges no national borders, except as a political idea, in which we have no moral obligation or interest in accepting or upholding. A person born in one place has no greater rights to it than anyone else. This must not end as a vision, but must be practised. We do not recognize the rights of states, orginisations or individuals to limit peoples movement across borders or label this ”illegal” migration.

    To us the right to free movement is inseparable from the right to take part in the social life under equal conditions. Until national borders are erased, we work towards giving all people inside a states borders the same social, political and economic rights and obligations. We oppose all political attempts to use immigration and migration as a weapon to undermine salary levels and social safety net inside a states borders, for example: recently immigrants were forced to work in the country under worse conditions than the rest of the population.

  • Festival of Organic Arts and Culture
    Crossing the Event Horizon 3rd-6th June 2010
  • Summer has arrived and so has our new website for 2010!!!
    As ever, clear the diary and EXPLORE EXPLORE EXPLORE the new sparkling digital Secret Garden Party universe.

    Make sure you zoom in, zoom out, explore all the tabs and drink yourself silly on a festival overflowing with extraordinary adventure.
    One more thing, don’t forget to buy a ticket