- See this? http://twitpic.com/nj595 I hate pay and display. I really hate pay and display #
- See this phone box?http://twitpic.com/nj6jj I like old phone boxes. Did you know you’re not allowed to smoke in them? English law is stupid. #
- In fact, English law in general is stupid. The government has lost the people. Perhaps they actually want to seperate government from people #
- I suppose you’re wondering where I’m going with all this. Well. One person other than me knows. Wait your turn. All will be revealed later. #
- Thank you for waiting. You are held in a queue. Your questions will be answered shortly. #
- How Governments Decide Whether a Religion is Real or Not http://bit.ly/1igx3n #
- No men OR women needed: Scientists create sperm and eggs from stem cells http://ur1.ca/esx3 #
- Tony Blair WILL take EU presidency ‘if the job is big enough’ http://ur1.ca/esw8 #
- The Internet Turns 40 http://bit.ly/NcCVE #
- Government Is Trying to Make Bailouts for the Giant Banks PERMANENT http://ur1.ca/eq4h #
- Tonight it’s beancurd & mix vegetables with boiled rice.I forgot I have no money. Nevermind check out this phonebox http://twitpic.com/nkzem #
- Content is Irrelevant http://bit.ly/41zVin (via @dangerousmeme) #
- Former Smashing Pumpkins Frontman: Flu Pandemic is Propaganda http://ur1.ca/etru #
- Of course, this is exactly what I expected to find in the van this morning. How did this happen? http://twitpic.com/nnd3u off to potters bar #
- It’s too early to explain, I haven’t forgotten the phone box thing. Nevermind,you probably won’t understand anyway. http://twitpic.com/nnedm #
- Just passed the camel near j23 on the m5 http://twitpic.com/nnjlt #
- Looks like #accident on #m4 eastbound between j11 and j10. Traffic at a standstill. http://twitpic.com/nnthy I hope nobody has been hurt #
- http://twitpic.com/nnta6 – Monster a Go Go at The Swinging Sporran tonight ft. an unplugged Devilish Presley (via @BrumPunks) #
- Draven is a fantastic new band from Woking UK. Bit like a modern day Aerosmith with a dash of Sabbath and led Zep. Google em! (via @rdaborn) #
- Forget any new job,When will tony Blair be tried for #warcrime and fraud? Give peas a chance http://twitpic.com/nnwzm #m25 at standstill now #
- The Right Isn’t Only Trying to Take Down ACORN. It’s Got a 25-Year Project to ‘Defund’ the Left http://bit.ly/qUhPJ #
- Israel and US hold largest ever war games http://ur1.ca/eupn any guesses why? #
- returning to the subject of English Phone Boxes….. #
- Here’s a video to explain. A Tenner in a Phone Box 2009 http://bit.ly/3ijOSN #
- #BurnMoney on a budget. How to: Tenner Phone Box 2009 http://bit.ly/3ijOSN bla bla #
- “Money determines the price of everything because it knows the value of nothing” #BurnMoney http://bit.ly/3ijOSN #
- Today i’m in Potters Bar, #vaginamonologues perform at Theatre Wyllyotts centre tonight. If last night is anything to go by…dont miss it! #
- Climate Change Treaty A Precursor To Global Government? http://ur1.ca/euvx #
- Fall Of The Republic: Millions Of People Worldwide Take The Red Pill http://ur1.ca/euwh #
- Facing A Total Breakdown Of Financial Markets http://ur1.ca/euxj #
- any of your friends lose their jobs? show them this http://biznews4.com (via @ampnz09) #
- Why would anyone wish someone a ‘Happy Halloween’ ? (via @CharlesWBrown) #
- This Week’s Weird Music News http://bit.ly/4Fqn3f (via @ZoinksDotTV) #
- #vaginamonologues are in action in potters bar. I’ve sneaked over the road to get a coffee and plan the next three weeks as chaos in effect #
- Swine Flu Vaccine Propaganda Reaches New Levels Of Absurdity http://ur1.ca/evdx #
- England Chief Medical Officer Calls #H1N1 Vaccine Resistors "Extremists" http://ur1.ca/ever #swineflu #
- Two-thirds of Ohioans say they’ll go without #H1N1 vaccine http://ur1.ca/ev9e #swineflu #
- New Zealand Mayor: Pay "Appalling Underclass" Not to Breed http://ur1.ca/ev5s #
- Pakistani-Pashtuns Say Blackwater USA (Xe Services) Responsible for Peshawar Bomb http://ur1.ca/ev4w #
- RT @HouseOfTwitsLab RT @Demos We commissioned a poll that found that illegal downloaders spend more on music each year http://tiny.cc/X4gTl #
- watched BBC. Birmingham presented as place where people want to go to work, wear stupid hats and don’t really dance to the music anyway. Joy #
- Well, it confirms my own short sighted view…only stupid bastards have anything to do with the bbc #
- But good work well done to those who have clawed Birmingham back into media for music #
- Swansea next #
- spotted another Hercules going in to land at RAF lyneham. flights are too regular for my liking. Another soldiers life the news will ignore #
- Cheer up seano. This ones for you Ssss St ste stea steeeaaaallliiinnnnn #
- Can’t wait to leave England http://twitpic.com/nzsmw #
- ‘Torture flight’ plane spotted in #Birmingham http://ur1.ca/eys5 #
- plane named in inquiry into alleged CIA torture flights landed at Birmingham airport last month met by British special forces helicopters. #
- A Tweet Unleashes Vitriol on a twitter User from #birmingham in Britain http://bit.ly/1oVUKx #
- So what do you know about #chemtrails then eh? Bet you never even heard of chemtrails. Look it up. Be afraid. #
- Ukraine pleas for help as flu epidemic spreads http://ur1.ca/eyz1 #
- Oh look….Panic in Ukraine, Authorities deny aircraft are spraying aerosols over cities, Ma… http://ur1.ca/ez1z #chemtrails #
- “eBay UK Shop – Iron Man Records shop: punk, rock, cd dvd vinyl video” http://hub.tm/?CDSND #
- US Patent Application 20090010962 Genetically Engineered Swine Influenza Virus and Uses Thereof http://bit.ly/3TdCkg #
- This Friday nov 6th 2009 at The Haygate, Telford RANDOM HAND, ALCOHOL LICKS, FISH BOWL RIOT. >>5 #punk #
- IBM Knew About Pandemic in 2006 http://ur1.ca/ezna #
- Government Appoints Task Force To Handle H1N1 Vaccine Propaganda http://ur1.ca/ezk3 #
- Loading out #vaginamonologues in Swansea. Off to the elgiva chesham tomorrow. http://twitpic.com/o1o6b #
- Switzerland Forbids "Swine Flu" Vaccine For Pregnant Women, Young And Old! http://bit.ly/2BsZhI #
- @jonone100 @SilkCharm tips & hints for twitter newbies http://bit.ly/EiKWf some sound practical advice. #
- On the way to chesham in buckinghamshire in the rain #
- Stopped by police,how irritating.I spilt my drink,had to put sandwich down, stop texting and turn my headphones down.made me stand in rain. #
- Via @jonone100 blog post on my latest money burning is up: http://bit.ly/34th1a #
- Via @jonone100 blog post on my latest money burning is up: http://bit.ly/34th1a #burnmoney #
- India, China, Russia and Some EU Central Banks Buying Gold http://ur1.ca/f1ao #
- Twenty reasons why vitamin D is better than a swine flu vaccine http://ur1.ca/f1mz #
- don’t think police liked fact the trailer was glowing red hot earlier when I tried to break the trailer pull landspeed record in the rain #
- I had to pull over to the vosa weighbridge for a game of “guess the van and trailer weight” followed by ten rounds of police mastermind. #
- You’ll be pleased to know, after ten rounds of police mastermind, scores were: police 1, peoples republic of mileage 9.The people have it. #
- If anyone fancies themselves a contender for police mastermind: guess todays weight in kg of this van and trailer http://twitpic.com/o51jd #
- Congressman Brad Sherman admits explosives found in dust of World Trade Center http://ur1.ca/f28y #
- winner of “guess van & trailer weight” Police Mastermind 2009 is: @jonone100 with “4.5 tonne.” http://twitpic.com/o64xb actual weight 4510kg #
- But I’m not sending any prize money to Police Mastermind 2009 @jonone100 he’ll burn it anyway. Instead he wins invite to m25 spin march 2010 #
- “why should I bic you?” Becuase bic is better than real tattoos @tillyxengineer #
- @jonone100 looks like there’s two of us for m25 spin march 2010 then. Excellent. all we need to do is make sure we keep the right day free?! in reply to jonone100 #
- How I wish, how I wish you were here http://twitpic.com/o88kp #m25 #vaginamonologues on way to gwent #
- Spotted a large plane leaving RAF lyneham earlier on way down m4 hope it’s not going to fetch more wounded from Afghanistan #
- Why Can’t the Corporate Media Just Tell the Truth About Iraq & Afghanistan? http://bit.ly/3pgQX2 #
- “It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet.That is the natural order of things today.” #
- Secret copyright treaty leaks. It’s bad. Very bad. http://ur1.ca/f5ii #
- British plan to build training camp for Taliban fighters in Afghanistan http://ur1.ca/f5jg #
- U.S. Military Tracking 1,300 Satellites For Collisions http://bit.ly/1VCSy1 #
- Going to Salford today. What day is this? #
- “Festival of Film” from Screen WM. FREE screenings of films with a West Midlands connection http://bit.ly/3Da3po (via @paulbradshaw) #
- This is #m5 between j4 and j3. Looks like two lanes closed northbound. http://twitpic.com/och5k England is a joke for roads #
- Black Country Music Network today at the Public, West Bromwich http://blackcountrymusicnetwork.wordpress.com for info (via @sostenutollp) #
- Fighter plane chasing aircraft over NE London was apparently something ceremonial: http://bit.ly/165pVH (via @brendadada) #
- #Review of Creative Networks panel discussion plus #Birmingham Post article here http://sostenuto.org.uk #
- Sorry digital Birmingham but….Global treaty could throw file-sharers off Internet after ‘three strikes’ http://ur1.ca/f7av #
- Is Tony Blair CIA? http://ur1.ca/f7jo #
- Has Baxter Released A BioWeapon In Ukraine? http://ur1.ca/f7fk #
- Birmingham bonfire night fireworks and bonfires http://bit.ly/3yLVdm #
- Blasting the US with punk Islam! http://bit.ly/36HZb0 (via @PunkRockers) #
- musoplex with si reeves working on mixes of police bastard recordings. “The lie” is being worked, Pid & johns vocals (via @PoliceBastard) #
- Wouldn’t mind going on a long, snowy, rainy and cold UK/Euro tour right about now :) (via @CharlesWBrown) ….ok..someone find him a tour!?! #
- Remember the 5th of November – Magick is on http://www.musicworldradio.com right now for Guy Fawkes special: burn parliament burn #music #
- Chomsky: Obama Continues Bush Policy http://ur1.ca/f85w #
- Tonight at Old Wharf, Oxford St Digbeth, #Birmingham Rasta knast (Germany) + Left 4 Dead + War/System £4 in #punk #music #