If you would like to get your music news and information onto this site there are two ways to do it.
1. Come to our Monthly Networking Meeting on the last Thursday of each month, 4-6pm at The BCU Technology and Innovation Centre (TIC), Millennium Point, Birmingham, B4 7XG.
The Monthly Networking Meeting is an ideal place to present your information and meet others who will be doing the same.
If you have news to report, a presentation to give, an event to promote, any new points for discussion, a pitch to make, business cards or flyers to hand round, or if you wish to make an appeal for help, advice or guidance then the meeting could be useful to you. Any points raised in the meeting will be included in the minutes and posted to the site and you will meet plenty of interested people who may want to question you further or get involved.
2. If you can’t get to a meeting you can email your information. Send no more than 250 words and a picture(jpg) with your contact details and a link to your own site or relevant page. You can also upload the document to Scribd (it’s free) and send the link.Be aware that anything you send in may be reproduced on the website in an unedited form and some may just get deleted. Remember to check your spelling and don’t get mad if your info doesn’t get posted, it may not be possible to include everything that gets sent in.
You can also send stuff to Created In Birmingham as it also covers Birmingham’s artistic and creative communities.
Get your Gig Listed
The Music Network imports all the gig listings on this site by RSS feed from Live Brum. Please send your gig listing info to Live brum and they will ensure your gigs are put into the system
Please submit event information to events at livebrum.co.uk.
Please include as many of the following details as possible:
- Event Title
- Event description
- Event Date(s) and Time(s)
- Website link to event information
- Website link to book tickets
- An event image
- Any other external links (such as a performers website)
If you are supplying listings, try and provide all the Event information at least by the month before so your paying punters get a chance to plan a night out!