- “Today – An Evening with JOHN SINCLAIR & DJ Fly Agaric XX111 – 14th August 2009, Stourbridge, England” http://hub.tm/?doFAw #
- How sure are you of what you know? (via @dangerousmeme) in reply to dangerousmeme #
- NASA Can’t Land A Man On The Moon For Another 20 Years http://bit.ly/ZFslp (via @disinfo) in reply to disinfo #
- Tomorrow is BNP festival, notorious fascists from across Europe are going.if you hate racism pls show it! http://tinyurl.com/3ljxa4 #
- Luton love music hate racism festival this Sunday 16th August, st georges square. 12 till 8 come along and join the MULTICULTURAL FAMILY DAY #
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Is Contagious http://is.gd/2eicv (via @dangerousmeme) in reply to dangerousmeme #
- Is everyone broke from Rebellion? (RAM-MAN tmrrw @ Old Wharf http://twitpic.com/dhppk (via @BrumPunks) in reply to BrumPunks #
- In Kiev drinking hot chocolate and despairing at my inability to speak any useful Ukrainian. People think I’m an American tourist #
- Comedy of errors on social network front. So far met agent of FBI, a guitarist from Ukrainian rock band and the daughter of local KGB boss?! #
- “Today – An Evening with JOHN SINCLAIR & DJ Fly Agaric XX111 – 14th August 2009, Stourbridge, England” http://hub.tm/?doFAw #
- Running a course for unemployed people next Tuesday in Wolverhampton and only 5 signups! Go figure (via @probone) in reply to probone #
- Science and Religion Are Antithetical http://is.gd/2g4gH (via @dangerousmeme) in reply to dangerousmeme #
- Got 1,000 business cards from jamjarprint.co.uk , they look great but probably10 years of networking to use them all (via @susioneill) in reply to susioneill #
- Last under the Sun are looking for gigs in Uk, France Germany Belgium holland. Can anyone help with a show and perhaps a floor to sleep on? #