- “The Music Network will next meet on Thursday 24th September 2009 at 4pm” http://hub.tm/?LDqfY #
- Artsfest in Birmingham books Athelete: I bet they’re getting paid and aren’t doing it purely for exposure #artsfestrottenwaytotreatmusicians #
- Hannah’s first blog… http://hnewland.wordpress.com/ How much can you give away? (via @HannahNewland) in reply to HannahNewland #
- Join me at Web 2.0 Surgery tonight in Nottingham for free expert advice on all things web http://bit.ly/g4Dd8 (via @susioneill) in reply to susioneill #
- MWR Birthday party podcasts http://bit.ly/3NsTi
via @addthis (via @Magick_Temple) in reply to Magick_Temple # - The Media Cannot Distinguish Between Good and Bad Science http://short.to/k7jx (via @dangerousmeme) in reply to dangerousmeme #
- Nugent on Playing His 6,000th Show: ‘Total Spiritual Erection’ http://digg.com/u19g9S (via @thedailyswarm) in reply to thedailyswarm #
- Turkish Metal Fans Arrested for Heavy Metal Salute: ‘This endless, uncontrolled moral erosion’…http://digg.com/u19gFj (via @thedailyswarm) in reply to thedailyswarm #
- Dionne Warwick Fires Back at Radio One’s Cathy Hughes Over Radio Performance Royalties… http://digg.com/u19gFl (via @thedailyswarm) in reply to thedailyswarm #
- WAKEDOWN by WEAK13 only available to hear on this link http://www.myspace.com/weak13music From the master of the underground Nick J.Townsend #
- Metal Hammer Sonisphere Podcast’s live, y’all. http://bit.ly/y5tvX (via @Metal_Hammer) in reply to Metal_Hammer #
- I highly recomend MOON. Great movie, very refreshing. Sci-Fi with no CGI. (via @bobbyllew) in reply to bobbyllew #
- Charles Manson asks Phil Spector to collaborate in jail http://bit.ly/PB9m9
(NME) (via @ShockwavesMedia) in reply to ShockwavesMedia # - Get a taste of the Radiohead/Wilco/Johnny Marr/Neil Finn supergroup http://bit.ly/AoWw1 (via @pitchforkmedia) in reply to pitchforkmedia #
- I’m at Cape Bar with @web20surgery – come on down with your web queries, here til 9pm (via @susioneill) in reply to susioneill #
- Finally tracked john doom down, he’s djing at hare and hounds tonight in kings Heath….off to musoplex now, all good #
- “Iron Man Records” http://hub.tm/?JdzpC #
- “Tour Management / Driving | Iron Man Records” http://hub.tm/?pmLfB #
- “FUK REDDIN 2009” http://hub.tm/?kHltz #
- http://www.richarddaborn.co.uk website still a little rough but gallery is up. press… well gallery! (via @rdaborn) in reply to rdaborn #
- Iran is On Way to Becoming Another Iraq in the End to Be Ruled by Oil Companies & American Puppet http://snipr.com/nm3d9 via @dangerousmeme in reply to dangerousmeme #
- U2’s Latest Tour: ‘Ludicrous, expensive and a bit hypocritical’… http://digg.com/u19hFo (via @thedailyswarm) in reply to thedailyswarm #
- Interested in any Birmingham Artsfest performers being interviewed for my blog. Please reply or dm. #artsfest (via @probone) in reply to probone #
- At musoplex, oldbury working with police bastard lot but these tea breaks are getting a bit long…. #
- Trent Reznor explains why he quit Twitter (again) http://bit.ly/bEP24 (via @pitchforkmedia) in reply to pitchforkmedia #
- Spotify vs. Illegal Downloads… http://digg.com/u19hfa (via @thedailyswarm) in reply to thedailyswarm #
- Listening to agoraphobic nosebleed – agorapocalypse now #
- Seth Faergolzia is playing Muddy Waters in Rochester, NY tomorrow night, July 31… also booking West/East Coast and Europe for Autumn! #