I’m passing on transport details from Birmingham to London for stop the war national demonstration Saturday January 3rd 2009.
Begin forwarded message:

From: “stirchley stop the war” stirchleystopthewar@googlemail.com
Book transport now! – Coach from Birmingham leaves 8:30am Carrs Lane. Call (+44) 07721427690 for tickets (cost £12/£8)  If enough people confirm today then we can book more coaches.


Stop The War

Saturday 3 January, Assemble 12:30pm

Embankment, London Called by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War Coalition, British Muslim Initiative and many other organisations 

2) Birmingham Stop the War Coalition Emergency Public Meeting, Monday 5th January, Committee Rooms 3 & 4, Council House, Victoria Square.  

Stop the Bombing of Gaza – Justice for the Palestinians Speakers Salma Yaqoob and others from the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign and the Birmingham Ramallah Twinning Committee.

Posted via email from Iron Man Records