Tag: Gary Heywood

February 2011 Music Network Meeting Minutes

Music Network

Meeting Thursday 24th February 2011

TEE, Millennium Point, Curzon Street, Birmingham

In attendance

Mark Sampson – BMN and Iron Man Records mark at ironmanrecords.co.uk

Andy Derrick – BMN and Sostenuto LLP andy at sostenuto.org.uk

Elisha Baptiste – media student, singer and songwriter showboizuk at gmail.com

Benjamin Puusta and Mark Caudery (Yes To Fairer Votes) m.caudery2010 at gmail.com

Charlie Carter – music producer and media design/consultation charliesletterbox at hotmail.co.uk

Adrian Kimberlin – Exit Recordings enquiries at exitrecording.com

Jenny Njuki – DJ

Simon Howes – independent sound engineer simon at audioguy.co.uk

Spence Cater – Pathways To Enterprise, singer/songwriter, Focus Point Photography

Rich Batsford – Pianist and singer songwriter batsfordpromotions at gmail.com

Johnny Kowalski – Johnny Kowalski and the Sexy Weirdos johnnykowalski at live.co.uk

Ramese – singer and lyric writer marakalah_36 at hotmail.com

Kevin Moore – scratch radio and South Birmingham Community Radio – kevin.moore at scatchradio.co.uk

David Blakemore – video and photography – Creative Enigma david_blakemore at hotmail.com

Germane Roberts – photography and film, urban arts

Gerard Davies gerard.davies@contented.net

Owen – CMAT Studios www.cmatstudios.com – Internet radio (radio CMAT), training, recording and mastering

Keisha Thompson – singer/songwriter and poet.


Nicola Toms – Oxjam

Martin Mullan – Changing Horses


Introduction from Mark Continue reading

January 2011 Music Network Meeting Minutes


Mark Badger, Richard Mitton, Adrian Kimberline, Marcus Taylor, Gary Heywood, Kevin Moore, Nigel Right, Germaine Roberts, Jimmy Davis, Saurab Thomas, Raol, Rob Heaton, Richard Skelding, Clyde Mckenzie, Mart Mullan, Yannis Yfestos, Keisha Thomapson, Elisha Baptiste


Andy Derrick, Anthony Hughes, Clare Edwards, Kate Southall, Andy Ward


Mark Badger Continue reading

October 2010 Music Network Meeting Minutes

Andy Derrick, Adrian Kimberlin, Darren Roberts, Gary Heywood, Colin Tippin, Vince O’Malley, Iona, Robin valk,

Anthony Hughes
Clare Edwards
Kate Southall
Andy Ward

Andy Derrick, Mark Badger

New Points:
Darren Roberts, Robin Valk, Ioana, Mo Hawk, Colin Tippin,  Andy Derrick,

Andy Derrick:
Andy would like to acknowledge and thank Dave Taylor at BCU for help and support given to The Music Network and of course for supplying Teas and Coffees for the meeting.

Andy lead a discussion about #quitmyspaceday blogged about by Andrew Dubber and the Issues surrounding Myspace both For and Against.

Andy made the point that Myspace is still valid for many people but wanted to ask who else still uses myspace? A lively conversation followed.

Agreed that it is a terrible interface.
Myspace appears to be in decline.

Still a useful resource to find out about stuff.
Some bands still find they need to use myspace as many people they wish to engage are still to be found on myspace.

If you google a bands name at present….usually first result is myspace.

Suggested alternatives: bandcamp, reverbnation, build your own wordpress site,

Concensus of opinion: Think, be independent, do what you think is suitable for your needs. Andy has invited people to add comments at: www.andyderrick.co.uk

Robin Valk:
The Pilot Project
Bristish Library New Music Network
Website goes Live on 18th November, Project is working with The British Library.
There is an Audio Restoration project already going on but Robin is interested in targetting contemporary music and had an idea to start an experimental  project on a regional basis to assemble a project.

This will be a curated site as opposed to a band nominated site.

Clare Edwards, Katy Jay, Richard Elms, and many others have been invited to be involved.

Idea is to run the project for five years.

Nick J Townsend:
Made an interesting point that if you live in Kidderminster you can get airplay on Radio Hereford and Worcester but if you live in Brierly Hill, Dudley, Stourbridge then West Midlands Radio doesn’t seem to recognise those areas as part of their geographic catchment area and so does not prioritise playing or engaging music produced in those areas.

Uncle Jeb events
Bristish Bands to Romania
Ioana based in birmingham, she takes rising Birmingham or British bands and organises gigs for them in Bucharest Romania, covers their expenses.

Ioana is looking for indie, guitar based rock, post punk, punk bands

She is looking for bands with a unique selling point

Contact: Ioana Epure
Uncle Jebediah Ltd Trading as UnkleJeb Events,
Aston Cross, 6 rocky lane, Birmingham, West Midlands, B6 5RQ
(+44) 0755 476 5967 / (+40) 0724 249 379
She is also a photographer and journalist

Mo Hawk
Artist fusing African music Styles and Hip Hop
Looking for words of wisdom about how to market and promote their music in Birmingham. Suggestions made Giles Petersen
The Block Studio
Mo Hawk
Gambia tel: 220-9983980, 220-4371508
Sweden mobile 46736465996

Programme called “rooted” about promoting African languages
If anyone can help with a Birmingham gig and help marketing and promoting the record.

Try carlos www.birminghampromoters.com

Suggestions: rhubarb radio, shelley atkinson, brumcast, musicworldradio,

Darren Roberts:
Working on research to include local people involved with music in local government and politics
he has spoken to Councillor Martin Mullaney
suggestions made of Ernie Hendricks, Ed Vasey, David Furmage,
Also playing a gig: 20th november: the void at the actress and bishop
contact Darren: dxr827 at bham.ac.uk

Colin and Vince:
Recruit area where people can find each other, auction area on there
online shopping center for anything music related.
The website is coming together, has a social networking tool
A flyer was given out with more info

Nick J Townsend:
Provided feedback on the Dudly jbs situation. The gig he organised was very successful and the publicity that the venue has had has helped bring in a lot of interest

Next meeting thursday 25th November.