Tag: offline

How can the Traditional Record Shop be saved? 7 questions for Music Consumers 2010

here is an interesting request just in…..and with reference to recent news of record shop closure in the region…..

The message reads: “I’m looking into ways to bring back the traditional record shop. I used to love finding loads of jems and taking home a physical record which I would spend lots of time listening to and enjoying very much. Times have changed and few record shops still exist (at least ones with goods records in). So, I have a few questions about stores and I hope with a little research I can generate a way forward out of my rut. If you can spare 2 mins to leave any comments below it would be really really helpful. Thanks for your time.”

1 – “What do you love about record shops?”

2 – “What do you hate about records shops?”

3 – “What are your attitudes towards record shops?”

4 – “What are your attitudes towards online record shops or stores?”

5 – “What influences you to purchase at traditional record stores?”

6 – “What influences you to purchase from an online shop or store?”

7 – “If you had any words of wisdom to pass on to a record shop, that is still in business despite the growth of online music consumption, what would it be?”

Please leave your comments below or email your completed answers to info at birminghammusicnetwork.com and I will pass them on. cheers.

Black Country Music Network – Wolverhampton, 3pm on Wednesday 29th July

You are invited to attend and participate in the Black Country Music Network, a real face-to-face opportunity for business and individuals involved in the music business and allied industries in the Black Country.

This meeting takes place at the Bingley Enterprise Centre, Norfolk Road, Wolverhampton WV3 0JE from 3pm on Wednesday 29th July.

There is some free parking nearby and bus stops from central Wolverhampton are close by.

Click this link for a map http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=wv3+0je&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=37.871902,56.074219&ie=UTF8&z=16

The Black Country Music Network is aimed at organisations, business and traders in and around the music industry in the black country.  The event aims to provide those attending with a forum for discussion, asking for help and advice, meeting and connecting with new partners and collaborators or just to discover more about their local scene.

Please RSVP info at sostenuto.org.uk whether or not you can make it and also please let anyone you know that you think would be interested

BCMN - Black Country Music Network