This news just in from DJ Sir Real himself: Howdy music lovers, five shows in now of the Mouth of God’s journey into the unknown, and going strong…presented by DJ Sir Real…with, as you might expect, a fine selection of wrongness, weirdness, beauty, cosmic anthems, fucked up disco, mutant techno, funny talk and hoo-haa…
I would be very chuffed indeed if some of you would like to join me for the journey…and please feel free to circulate far and wide to spread the wrongness :-)
Go to to listen…
You might also want to have a look at Club Impulse in Second Life for some chat and flying and stupid dancing and ill-advised clothes (and possibly popes & daleks & other assorted oddness)…I will be presenting the show simultaneously from there…you can check that out here – – or follow the link from the MWR homepage.
So that’s tonight, Tuesday 27th April, starting at 10pm GMT…
See ya in the ether :-) Neil x