- #Immigration points system for #citizenship http://bit.ly/1Xujo (via @naeemyakoob) in reply to naeemyakoob #
- #Immigration points system for #citizenship http://bit.ly/1Xujo #stickitupyourass #
- UK citizenship rule changes http://bit.ly/2SqUzv #immigration #uk #citizenship #migration #stickitupyourass – let people go where they want #
- Borders are not to keep people out, but to keep the slaves in #immigration #uk #citizenship #migration #stickitupyourass #
- it’s not just migrants and their rights under attack, it’s all our rights #immigration #uk #citizenship #migration #stickitupyourass #
- Money is Irrelevant http://is.gd/1Mmag (via @dangerousmeme) in reply to dangerousmeme #
- Staying at simons house tonight and as ever there’s always too much going round my mind at this time of night after musoplex.all good though #
- I’m leaving USA for this? http://bit.ly/YwkWj (via @lizardqueen) #immigration #uk #citizenship #migration #stickitupyourass in reply to lizardqueen #
- I need to find a post office and then the work begins #
- Ian Brown will play Wolverhampton Wulfrun Hall on Tuesday 25th August. (via @birminghamlive) in reply to birminghamlive #
- ZZ Top and Steel Panther will play Wolves Civic Hall on October 27th. Tickets on sale this Friday. (via @birminghamlive) in reply to birminghamlive #
- Right wing extremist protest happening in town on Saturday. Anyone up for pelting them with shit? Get in touch. (via @angrymaggie) in reply to angrymaggie #
- Tell us what you think about new Asbo style orders that have been introduced… http://bit.ly/Rl2PT (via @beaconradionews) in reply to beaconradionews #
- Can virtual worlds assist with Learning and Teaching? http://magazine.openhabitat.org/ (via @HannahNewland) in reply to HannahNewland #
- Experienced and competent typists/transcribers, DM or Twitter me. Own footpedal essential. (via @brumblog) in reply to brumblog #
- Is Genius I.Q. Linked to Psychosis and Schizophrenia? http://bit.ly/fEdyd (via @disinfo) in reply to disinfo #
- How Is America Going To End? Four Theories from the World’s Leading Futurologists… http://bit.ly/ghkls (via @disinfo) in reply to disinfo #
- August Is ‘Ban Major Record Labels’ Month… http://digg.com/u1A04p (via @thedailyswarm) in reply to thedailyswarm #
- sat in kitchen garden cafe in kings heath again trying to sort things out against the clock. got to collect a van at 5pm #
- listening back to “the lie” by police bastard with the samples dropped in at musoplex. si reeves has done good work. #
- Want to know more about dangerousmeme? My interview with @globatron was just published http://ow.ly/jbAe (via @dangerousmeme) in reply to dangerousmeme #
- Pneumonic Plague Threatens China http://snipr.com/opwqy (via @dangerousmeme) in reply to dangerousmeme #
- Some snaps from last nights Sporran gig http://tinyurl.com/57x5u8 (via @BrumPunks) in reply to BrumPunks #
- is blogging about another side of 1977: http://bit.ly/vNB1e (via @stewarthome1) in reply to stewarthome1 #
- Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe. ~Einstein (via @dangerousmeme) in reply to dangerousmeme #
- How We Became a Society of Gluttonous Junk Food Addicts http://bit.ly/18wE69 (via @disinfo) in reply to disinfo #