I have resisted the temptation to put my thoughts on Gigbeth 2008 down as I didn’t attend any part of it. I was hoping to hear all the stories, read up on the reviews and look at the pictures but to be honest there hasn’t been much to look at. Perhaps I haven’t looked very far.
Was it a another failure or another success, how do you define failure, how do you define success? Was it a failure and also a success? How was Gigbeth for you? What impact has Gigbeth had? How do you measure an event’s success?
This is the only photo sent in to the Music Network during the event from a member of the public, was it really all that bad?
I don’t think it was. Have a look at this http://www.davepiper.org.uk/music/gigbeth08/gigbethmainlogotilt/
There is a flickr group that people have contributed to here:
Gigbeth Reviews:
4 Talent Magazine http://www.4talentmagazine.com/2008/11/11/4talent-gigbeth-stage-round-up
Rhubarb Radio http://www.rhubarbradio.com/live/events/archive.aspx
Gigbeth PO Box 14386
B25 9EL
Please send in your links, photos, reviews and comments on your Gigbeth experience and any suggestions for the future would be most welcome, i feel some evaluation of past events and hopes for future ones may be useful. Your comments please…..