Call for composers!
Andek Music Publishing is a new name in music offering a new way of buying sheet music.

Digital download of sheet music has existed for sometime with copy protection.  Andek Music Publishing now offers sheet music only via digital download and without any form of copy protection.  Priced reasonably, Andek Music Publishing believes in trusting the customer.

Are you a writer of music?  Have you written for brass instruments?  Then we want to hear from you.

Andek Music Publishing wants to build up a stable of new music for brass instruments and ensembles.
Visit the website or just email Andek Music Publishing to submit your manuscript.  Formats accepted include pdf, jpg and Finale.  Sorry, we do not accept Sibelius files.  Remember, we are only interested in music for solo or ensemble brass instruments with or without accompaniment.
Email: andekmusic at

Works accepted will be subject to publishing agreement.  Composers always retain their copyright.  Minimum royalty on works sold is 20% of cover price.

Andy Derrick