Booking form and info for our event at the Watershed in Bristol on 26th Feb is now available from our website. And because we’re nice the event is now FREE.

The BMF invites you to take part in a day of activity to discuss the current and future status of music development in the South West of England.

This intensive one-day event will feature talks and presentations from speakers on select topics throughout the day, plus great networking opportunities.

Our new website will be launched and there will be a nice lunch.

And, that evening we will be eating burgers, drinking Bud, and bowling er, balls, at the Lanes in Bristol, followed by a gig featuring some of the bands – Turbowolf, The She Creatures, Rosie & The Goldbug, The Sea and The Gala Band – heading from Bristol and the South West out to SXSW 09.



The Bristol Music Foundation is carrying out a project to map the music industry in the South West. This project aims to assess the activity of music practitioners within the region in order to aid the provision of focused support for business, professional and performance development.
Run in partnership with the SW Regional Development Agency, SW Screen, and UK music trade organisations, it will look to demonstrate the size and economic impact of the music industry in the South West in order to advocate and  lobby for increased investment. Let’s face it, anything would be welcome.

We will be launching this project at the event in Bristol on 26th Feb.


Representatives of each regional music network will be meeting again in Bristol on Feb 9th to agree a Terms of Reference for a South West Music Forum.
Such a region-wide organisation will connect individuals and businesses, support joined up activity, and provide a platform for dynamic and groundbreaking projects that will have an impact for the South West nationally and internationally.
And why not.


Our good friends at Bristol Media have been running regular networking events in Bristol on the last Tues of each month, Media Tuesdays, and in the good traditions of creativity we have nicked their idea.

Music Wednesdays will happen on the first Wednesday of each month, and will add to the BMIF meetings that are held every other month at the Colston Hall.

The opening Music Wednesday event will be held at the world famous Louisiana – from 6.30 til 9pm on Wed 4th February 09.

The next on wed 4th March etc.

Entry is free. Drink isn’t. Company is.

Please let us know if you are coming along.

And watch out for new regular monthly educational events coming very soon to the Croft.

Visit for more info.


If you don’t work in the South West, and you’ve managed to read this far then you’ll probably be glad to hear that we are sorting out our database and shall be more selective with these newsletters in future.

Mind you, if you’ve got this far then maybe you quite like it.