I am contacting you all in my capacity as Head of Business Management at the Library of Birmingham. The Library has outdoor spaces which we would like to have live music playing on, there is a 3rd floor terrace and an outdoor amphitheatre which the public can look down into from street level – both spaces lend themselves to music in the summer months.
We are open to all genres of music, however artists will need to be very self-sufficient and provide their own amps etc
Bands could use the space on a Friday evening to 7pm, or over the weekend, daytime the library closes at 5pm on a Saturday and 4pm on a Sunday.
We will not charge for the space, however we will expect the artist to be self-sufficient and set up, with no help from the library.
If you have artists or music promoters who are interested in a free city centre venue – can you ask them to send an email to myself in the first instance, with a sample of their music.
Best Wishes
email: Rebecca Bostock
Head of Business Management
Library of Birmingham
Centenary Square
Broad Street
Birmingham B1 2ND
T: 0121 303 6885
M: 07985471060